Abstract:In order to improve the security of images during transmission and provide users with a better experience, Chen hyperchaos system and DNA encoding are introduced into the field of image encryption; Color digital images are divided into three two-dimensional matrices based on the red, green, and blue channels, and DNA region encoding is performed on the three two-dimensional matrices to increase the diversity of encoding operations and make the encryption process more secure; The sequence generated by Chen's hyperchaotic system determines the DNA encoding, decoding, and operation rules of each two-dimensional matrix. It is encrypted according to the corresponding rules, and then segmented Logistic generates the corresponding sequence for row and column permutation. The segmented Logistic chaotic mapping can enable the system to enter the chaotic state faster; Merge the three two-dimensional matrices of red, green, and blue channels to generate a three-dimensional matrix, and ultimately obtain the corresponding color encrypted image. Select corresponding color images for simulation experiments, and the final simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has good encryption performance and related performance indicators, while also possessing strong security and robustness.