Abstract:In order to eliminate the error between the actual grasping position and the positioning position of the industrial robot, and achieve effective control of the robot's grasping behavior, a positioning and grasping control system of the industrial robot based on particle swarm optimization algorithm is designed. The electrical network structure is established according to the selection of main machine components, and then the visual sensor and positioning control platform are combined to control the action range of the gripper, and the overall design of the hardware of the positioning and grasping control system of the industrial robot is completed. Follow the application requirements of particle swarm optimization algorithm, implement Gbest selection and Pbest update, and combine the calculated results, define the three-dimensional coordinate system expression, and establish the positioning coordinate system based on particle swarm optimization algorithm. According to the solution results of the tracking point coordinates, the optimal processing conditions of the control coefficients are determined, the grasping control principles are improved, and the relevant application structures are combined to achieve the design of the positioning and grasping control system for industrial robots based on particle swarm optimization algorithm. The experimental results show that under the action of particle swarm optimization algorithm, the actual grasping position coordinates of industrial robots accurately conform to the positioning position coordinates in the X and Y directions, effectively eliminating the grasping error, and effectively controlling the robot's grasping behavior.