Abstract:This experiment is conducted to find the most reliable algorithm combination that is closest to the true value from all simple operators for calculating the solar angle. Complete the calculation of common algorithm formulas for solar declination and solar hour angle, introduce some basic astronomical concepts that will be involved in astronomical observation, complete the algorithm calculation of solar altitude angle and azimuth angle, take into account the interference factors such as the difference of atmosphere, add them to the calculation, and finally complete the calculation of the included angle value between the equipment at the designated geographical location and the sun. In this calculation, the SPA algorithm, a complex algorithm with high accuracy, is used as the reference value to identify the calculation results of the above algorithms in order to compare the accuracy error of the calculation results of the above algorithms and conduct statistical analysis. In the experiment, C++tool code is used to implement the operation of the algorithm. Through the quantitative comparison and analysis of the calculation results, the combination of VSOP87 time angle operator and Wang declination angle operator is determined, and the calculation results are the most reliable. Through experimental analysis, we found a combination of solar angle algorithms that are simple, feasible and have high accuracy, which has played a positive role in improving the accuracy of solar angle values obtained by simple algorithms.