Abstract:In order to deeply analyze the electronic load performance of UAV electrical equipment and realize the reasonable supervision and control of the transmission electronic quantity, a UAV electrical equipment monitoring system based on MCU load control is designed. Using the electrical signal generation circuit, the load environment of electrical equipment for the operation of load network controller and Ethernet module is constructed. With the help of PCB monitoring board, the physical connection between PLC extended load module and core monitoring host is established, and the hardware execution environment of UAV electrical equipment monitoring system is built. On this basis, the hardware execution environment is determined by STM32 MCU transplantation protocol The existing configuration form of UAV electrical equipment communication host, combined with the set monitoring task wire level conditions, realizes the software execution environment of the monitoring system, and completes the design of UAV electrical equipment monitoring system based on MCU load control. The experimental results show that the electronic load level of UAV electrical equipment monitoring system based on single-chip load control is higher, and the electronic monitoring value in periodic time is relatively larger, which can accurately realize the UAV electrical equipment load monitoring.