Abstract:Based on the research of real-time industrial Ethernet, a servo drive system is designed which supports the EtherCAT bus communication of industrial Ethernet. An EtherCAT bus-type servo driver is constructed by using the Infineon XMC4800 MCU with ARM Cortex-M4 architecture and a integrated EtherCAT slave Controller. The circuits of the EtherCAT slave servo driver are designed, including network communication circuit, motor drive circuit, current and voltage detection circuit, encoder detection circuit and so on. The slave protocol code and device description XML file are generated by using Beckhoff SSC_Tool software configuration, and the object dictionary suitable for the system is added according to CIA402 motion control protocol. ECAT_SSC and APP controlled by SVPWM are configured on Infineon programming software Dave to generate the underlying code. The interruption service subprogram of ADC conversion termination is designed, and control algorithms of position loop, speed loop, moment loop and current loop with the servo drive are presented. Based on precision ball screw module, a single axis servo experimental device is built. The feasibility of the servo drive system of EtherCAT slave station is verified by TwinCAT software.