Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy of multi-rotor UAV heading angle calculation, magnetic compass calibration and compass error compensation methods ware studied. Through detailed analysis of the causes of compass error, magnetic compass interference can be divided into four categories: static interference in airframe coordinate system, dynamic interference in airframe coordinate system, static interference in navigation coordinate system and dynamic interference in navigation coordinate system. Aiming at the dynamic interference in airframe coordinate system, the method of off-line measurement and on-line compensation was studied considering the Multi-Rotor UAV application; aiming at the static interference in airframe coordinate system, a new real-time calibration method in flight process was proposed; aiming at the static interference in navigation coordinate system, the velocity information of GNSS module was innovatively used to correct the compass error; the dynamic interference in navigation coordinate system was a principled error and was not discussed here. The results show that the research can effectively compensate the influence of dynamic and static interference in airframe coordinate system and static interference in navigation coordinate system on the accuracy of magnetic compass and heading angle calculation, and help to improve the flight performance of UAV.