Abstract:A dynamic system model-construction tool can be used to simulate the interaction of system framework and dynamic data, and can dynamically simulate the operation of real target machine, so traditional simulation systems generally are based on same systems to scheme satellite attitude and orbit control system, and to design algorithms. But real peripheral equipments of real target machine for the clock step and data flow processing logic units, and there are still discrepancies between the real physical environment and dynamic model systems, because these systems cannot totally simulate inner ALU logic units and which causes a degree of simulation distortion. It is proposed a credible verification method of satellite attitude and orbit control software components library based on virtualization technology, which contains a complete simulation for virtual target machine to real physical ones, an obtainment of credible development evidence and application evidence using software non-interference operation monitoring technology, and a dynamic modeling and simulation with synchronous simulation components and simulink models. In order to verify all software components in the library, and to validate the algorithms of satellite attitude and orbit control software.