This paper explores the method that variety of applications integrated into the same container automated collaborative development framework by using the container configuration file Dockerfile, Haiyun fractal architecture based on method of sea container ends of the application developers only pay attention to their own applications, unable to get the secret key code of the other application and algorithm of information in Dockerfile automation cloud parties the integration for the same file which becomes a trusted third party cloud platform container mirror inside. Automatic integration of cloud effectively avoids the leakage of intellectual property rights in different areas, different ownership and different departments. And through the cadvisor and other flow monitoring tools, we can get the actual flow through the container, calculate the proportion of each application processing flow, reasonable distribution of revenue, and avoid the uneven distribution of benefits of cooperation results from the technical aspects. The third party trusted cloud platform is operated by the government, scientific research institutions or third party related professional agencies and other entities with social credibility, so as to ensure the security of cloud data. Through the collaboration between the sea side and the cloud, a container based incremental collaborative development framework with copyright protection characteristics is implemented.