Abstract:Methods of removing the energy imbalance of cells connected in series have been extensively reported within literature for the past years. However, there has been little discussion around the effect that the variation of the battery performance has when cells are connected electrically in parallel. In order to explore the impact of connecting cells, with varied properties, in parallel,the model of parallel battery pack is established based on the venin equivalent circuit model of lithium ion cell.On this basis, the basic mechanism of the current distribution in the parallel battery pack is analyzed by two parameter scenarios, resistance variation ΔR and capacity variation ΔQ. For comparative analysis, four different aging lithium ion cells are selected to build different battery packs. A nonlinear least squares algorithm was used to estimate the vector of unknown model parameters, and modeling and simulating in MATLAB. The simulation indicate that, with different degraded cells in parallel, there could be large difference in current, which may cause further accelerated degradation and a more serious inconsistency problem.