Abstract:In order to improve the safety and reliability of P2P anonymous communication system, the need to design P2P anonymous communication system. Anonymous communication system currently in use, not in the anonymous user node, to ensure the credibility of P2P anonymous communication system of anonymous nodes. Therefore, puts forward a design method of P2P anonymous communication system based on trusted computing model. The hardware part is divided into system login module, communication module, data module, trusted computing module 4 modules, mutual cooperation between modules, to form a complete anonymous communication system, anonymous communication system software design through the connection establishment of trusted computing, Realization of data transmission in the anonymous channel, and the level of data transfer encryption package to the credibility of the calculation, the node in anonymous communication system, anonymous channel is calculated, the formation of a safe and reliable delivery channel. Anonymous experiments show that this method improves the safety and reliability of the anonymous communication system to ensure efficiency the system of data transmission at the same time.