To multicore chips to concurrent scheduling, memory data can reduce the number of computer downtime and data when switching time, improve the accuracy of data concurrent scheduling, increase the smoothness of data operation. The current memory data concurrent scheduling method is to use PrebuiltTrigger to concurrent scheduling of data memory, in the process of scheduling, memory data scheduling goal is set, lead to memory data in the database disorder disorderly, therefore, has the problem of low data concurrent scheduling precision. For this, put forward a multi-core environment based on Linux memory data concurrent scheduling optimization method. This method firstly adopts IACT algorithm affect scheduling and memory of data in the database of similar or repeated data cleaning, and then on the basis of data cleaning, using heuristic algorithm for feature selection, data on the basis of the theory of multiple attribute decision making memory data concurrent scheduling of the optimal path through the calculation of the attribute weights are set based on the results, calculation of dispatching optimal path deviation, the use of the minimum deviation, scheduling the optimal path to the linear programming model is established, and the path to each of the scheduling of comprehensive decision attribute value to sort, the resulting scheduling optimal path, complete the memory data concurrent scheduling in multi-core environment. The experimental results show that the proposed method can memory multicore environment data efficiently concurrent scheduling, improved the precision of data scheduling, increased the memory data of recycled, provides low overhead of memory data scheduling with support.