Abstract:The length of dry beach is an important monitoring content that affects the safety of tailing pond. In order to measure the length of the tailings dam,proposed a dry beach length monitoring system based on image segmentation.According to the terrain features of the tailings dam, the water boundary image of the tailings dam is obtained by the acquisition of the water.In the Emgu CV environment, the OTSU algorithm threshold segmentation, contour recognition, and watershed algorithm can be used to retrieve the boundary between dry beaches and water surface.Analyze and deal with the image pixel coordinates, the most accurate pixel coordinates of waterline can be real-time measured.Only through one calibration can be obtained waterline coordinates and dry beach length function innovatively, so it’s easy to measure the dry beach of tailings dam length.After field survey of tailings dam in Zhejiang Jiande copper mine, the error of this method is less than 2.6%.