Abstract:In order to solve the problem of expensive CAN - USB transfer module in current market, put forward a simple and flexible and low cost design method of CAN-USB transfer module, which is based on Freescale16 bits micro controller MC9S12XS128, so that can solve the communication problems between CAN bus and host PC. Provide detailed information on the hardware and software design and procedure, when testing, set the CAN controller in loop self-test mode, the serial baud rate set to 9600, the data bits set to 8, according to the main program design process, serial port receive 8 bytes of 0x88 to verify the correctness of the serial port, and then receive 8 bytes CAN frame 0x00~0x07. During the test of CAN-USB module, a total of 10 hours was continued, which shows that the module can fully satisfy CAN -USB communication requirements, Stable and reliable, easy to operate and practical.